Your network is the backbone of your business, connecting your users locally, nationally, and globally.

Your challenge is to ensure that your users can access your business-critical applications and data from multiple sites securely and on-demand, while also ensuring that you control your costs. Any latency or service outages have a real impact on your team’s productivity and job satisfaction, as well as your ability to meet your customer needs. By outsourcing your backups to a trusted IT Services provider, you can focus your internal resources on your team, your systems, and your data without having to worry about whether backups are taking place and whether they are being successful. You are in safe, proven hands.


  • Any-to-Any connectivity.

  • Managed Security, including firewalls.

  • IP Quality of Service traffic prioritization.

  • Flexible architecture to support your Disaster Recovery plans.

  • Complete 24x7x365 monitoring and alerting.

  • Customer-focused 24x7x365 Service Desk.

There are a multitude of things that can go wrong that you would need to recover from. Those include everything from viruses and security breaches to data corruption, power outages and employee sabotage.

We can provide you with a managed backup service that will meet your policies, requirements, and timeframes in order to reduce the risk to your business. You need to know that your mission-critical data is safe, secure, and recoverable. Our managed backup services can be adapted to your specific business and data requirements, be they on-premises, collocated in a data centre or backed up to a dedicated cloud server.

Each of these would affect your business-critical applications and data negatively. You need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you prepared for when disaster strikes?

  • Do you know how long it would take you to recover?

  • Have you recognized how costly downtime could be to you, both financially and to your brand?

  • What would happen to your business if you lost all of your data?

Secure Your Network:
Outsource with
Proven Experts.

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